Careers and Organizations

The UNCG LIS Department has two career day events each academic year one in the Spring semester and another in the Fall semester. Career Day will give you a chance to attend panels with professionals from a variety of information agencies and ask them questions. We also have a job seeker panel where our graduates discuss the job search process. You can attend Career Day either in-person or online.


The Library and Information Studies Student Association (LISSA) is the student chapter of ALA at UNCG.  As a member of LISSA, you’ll get to take part in professional development activities, meet fellow students and librarians, volunteer in the community, and enjoy fun social events. Membership looks great on your resume. And we have t-shirts! For further information on events and membership, please visit here.


The SLA-UNCG is the student chapter of the Special Libraries Association at UNCG.  One of the main objectives of the SLA-UNCG is to provide library and information studies students, in a primarily online environment, with exploration, networking, and job and career development opportunities in special libraries.  For further information, please visit here.
SLA-UNCG Membership Form


The LIS Alumni Association honors alumni achievement with the Bea Kovacs Award named for Emerita Faculty member, Dr. Beatrice Kovacs. The award is presented during the Alumni Luncheon that is scheduled every spring. In addition, alumni provide mentorship, serve as practicum supervisors, and support the department goals.

For the latest alumni news, check out the LISAA Facebook Page.

Professional Organizations

The Department of Library and Information Studies encourages students to join student organizations like LISSA and professional organizations dedicated to enhancing the library field. Association conferences offer an opportunity for students to participate in the library field and make valuable connections with other professionals. These organizations can also provide financial assistance for library education and research.

Starting Points:

Regional, State, National, and International Organizations:

Academic Libraries:

Special Libraries:

School Libraries:

Public Libraries:

Information Technology:
