Certificates & Licensure

<This is where we can add generic content about the certificates and licensure offered in the LIS department>

For specific information about a certificate and/or licensure program in our department, please see the information below:

The post-baccalaureate certificate (P.B.C.) in Instructional Design program program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to support instructional design projects across a variety of contexts.

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate for Special Endorsement in Computer Education provides educators with extensive knowledge and skills to work with students and other teachers to use computers in on-going instructional programs and to serve as a computer education leader for a school. Completion of the certificate provides NC licensed teachers the opportunity to fulfill requirements to apply for the NC endorsement for the position of Technology Facilitator.

The Licensure in School Library Media Coordinator (076) is designed for students who need to be licensed as a school librarian. To earn the licensure, students will need to earn an M.L.I.S. degree. Students who currently hold an M.L.I.S. or M.L.S. degree are able to add school library licensure by completing the LIS licensure-only program.

The Licensure in Instructional Technology (077) is designed for students who already have an advanced degree in education or their MLIS/MLS, and desire to work in the North Carolina Public School System as instructional technology directors, facilitators, or coordinators.

The Licensure in School Library Media Supervisor (078) is designed for students who need to be licensed as a director of media services within a school system. This licensure is an add-on that is available to students who are eligible to hold the Media Coordinator (076) licensure with the additional requirements of nine graduate semester hours of credit in administration, curriculum development, or supervision and three years of acceptable experience as a school librarian.