Below are links to important documents that will help you succeed in our program. While these materials are helpful, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to request help or information from the CED faculty and staff.

Handbook Information and Downloads

The CED Student Handbooks provide essential information needed to plan a successful course of study in CED. Materials included serve as a guide to program requirements, procedures, and program deadlines. In addition, several important forms are included in the Handbook.

The CED Student Handbooks are to be referred to in conjunction with:

Practicum and Internship Information

The Department of Counseling and Educational Development (CED) at UNC Greensboro requires both master’s and doctoral counseling students to complete practicum and counseling internship. More information regarding these experiences, including policies, requirements, process, and deadlines for paperwork, can be found here and in the CED Practicum and Internship Handbook provided above.